




A l’occasion du 70ème anniversaire de la déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, Fabien VIE, auteur-réalisateur organise une exposition éphémère qu’il a imaginé. Elle aura lieu du samedi 8 décembre au lundi 10 décembre 2018. Sur un espace de plus de 300m2 à la Coque numérique à Marseille, les œuvres de cinq artistes de quatre continents, Afrique, Amérique du sud, Asie, Europe, présenteront leurs œuvres inspirées des articles de la déclaration.

Vanessa Nessren - Photographies
Noureddine Benhamed - Dessins
Najah Albukai - Dessins
Damas, la bureaucratie de la mort - Libération
Walter Barrientos - Peintures
Fabien VIE - Installation vidéos

Cette exposition est soutenu par l’association La CIMADE sud-est et bénéficie du label « Le mois de la fraternité et des droits ».

Une des vidéos présentée par Fabien VIE « Même pas mal »

Le teaser de l’exposition

Princes & Princesses

The Little players



Photography has been a part of my life since I was a child. Starting when I was 2 years old with my father taking pictures of me while I was in shared parenting. He piled up photo albums til I was 5, before they all disappeared in a sudden burglary. Every single album went missing. This mechanical eye I was missing since then gets familiar as I grow up. I'm 14 and already a model. I'm now 19 and I leave France for Milan. A modeling agency proposed me a contract and I said yes. Faculty, plastic arts... I left everything behind for this career in Italy I will finally pursue for 5 years. Then I come back to France, it was an autumn, and it was to fall in love and become a mother. I'm now the designer and muse of my own jewelry brand Vanessa Nessren Jewelery, however I'm still missing something. My artistic instinct is still on the lookout. For a different kind of expression, for freedom. More than that. Even more than that. Passion and creativity I need to share. I give birth to my 2nd child and I treat myself with my first Nikon soon after the birth of my daughter Eden. I'm still posing for some photographer friends sometimes, including Billsky who creates my jewelry catalogs. We often work together and seeing my first pictures he thinks I already have a eye for some details. As our friendship grew he learnt me technique, shared his experience in the job. I finally let go and well, now I know. "What I want to be when I grow up", it's now obvious. It's a release. There's a world, my world, this world I can share through my pictures. It's something new, I feel complete sharing this vision of the world and I know I will never get tired of it. Instinctive, lover of contrasts and contradictions, I like to bring back extremes together. It's my art. With feminine strength and subtlety. Where confused things finally come together, ultimately, in a perfect balance. Instinct, strength, sensuality ... nomad life, circus, childhood, street life, from photo-reportages to exhibitions, photography is my language, my craft, my passion and is thus my present. And my future unquestionably implies my Nikon Camera.

Vanessa Nessren.







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